A Financial Solution To The Political Problem.

In the 21st century, financial dependence has become rampant in third world countries. These countries are characterized by low economic development and poor utilization of natural resources, high poverty levels, unemployment and huge dependence on industrialized nations.  An independent Kurdistan  can only be achieved by reaching financial independence first. Therefore we have developed a road map specifically to address this task. we will be investing in series of manufacturing plants, Construction sector, agricultural projects, petrochemical industry , local workforce training centers and Tourism and Travel related industries just to name a few.  first Phase of the Plan will focus on Southern-Kurdistan, also known as Iraqi Kurdistan. a very safe and stable part of Kurdistan which has all the favorable conditions for doing business as well as full support  and assistant of Kurdistan regional government. They have introduced major economic policies to encourage investment and improved practices of the private sector. they have also passed laws and regulations and promote foreign venture by providing numerous incentives and legal guarantees to protect investment in the Kurdistan region.

As the other parts of Kurdistan in near future become more stable and suitable ,  we will start various projects in those parts as well. we foresee in near future the western-Kurdistan becoming the next ground for many profitable investment opportunities. As of now majority of the projects are tailored and selected based on resources and conditions of Iraqi Kurdistan.

Investment Law, Article 5: “A Project shall be exempt from all non-custom taxes and duties for 10 years starting from the date of providing services by the Project, or the date of actual production.”